Cyclops Label

I have just received the latest catalogue from GFT (Mail Order). This and the Cyclops label are run by Malcolm Parker. How he manages to do both is beyond me. You can even phone up GFT for placing an order and are likely to get Malcolm taking orders on the other end!
Cyclops is an excellent progressive rock label and have signed many, many excellent bands over the years. Probably the most well known are Mostly Autumn and Pineapple Thief. They are not a huge label and seem to struggle to keep things going. Malcolm’s philosophy for signing acts seems to be based on what he likes to listen to, rather than any consideration of commercial potential. I know if Malcolm recommends something, even though it is on his own label, it will be worth hearing. For instance, he is making a big thing for a new signing called The Gift, who have just released an album called “Awake and Dreaming”. I know nothing about this band but will get it just based on Malcolm’s glowing praise. Based on past experience I know I will not be disappointed.
There are so many releases to recommend from the label and I heartily endorse anyone to try them out. Order from GFT to, which stocks an impressive array of prog titles, which are usually hard to get from the likes of Amazon and If you are in any way a fan of prog rock then support GFT and Cyclops. They are a rare thing in today’s marketplace and we need them.
Here are my favs from the Cyclops label. Looking at it I am surprised by the diversity of sounds and styles on show. Check 'em out!
Grey Lady Down ~ Fear
Lands End ~ The Lower Depths
Manning ~ The Ragged Curtain
Mostly Autumn ~ The Spirit Of Autumn Past
Nautlilus ~ What Colours The Sky In Your World?
Parallel Or 90 Degrees ~ Afterlifecycle
The Pineapple Thief ~ 12 Stories Down
Saens ~ Escaping The Hands Of God
Sensitive To Light ~ Almost Human
Sinkadus ~ Cirkus
Sphere3 ~ Comeuppance
Tr3nity ~ Precious Seconds
Trion ~ Tortoise
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